<%@LANGUAGE = "VBSCRIPT" @ENABLESESSIONSTATE = FALSE%> <% Option Explicit Response.buffer = True %> Christmas Banquet
LBYF Leaders Site

Christmas Banquet - December 1, 2007

Hello Everybody,

Since there won't be any snow this year due to severe global warming, you need a reminder of the season - yes, its time for the LBYF Christmas banquet.

This year, in order to provide adequate parking, we will be having the feast at Bethany [Staten Island].

I am attaching a flyer made in PowerPoint, but if you are computer challenged or [gasp] have an old version of PowerPoint, I will include the basics:

Banquet Extraoridnairre
Bethany LB, Staten Island NY
233 Westcott Blvd [you have GOT to use the Google Earth 3d thingie]

Saturday, December 1, 2007
4:00 to 8:00 PM [plenty of time to party]

Music by VESPER & BEN [awesome, see vespersongs.com]
Speaker is Pastor Brian Jensen [of Junior Week Fame]

Food will be Italian [no Norweigan Meatballs - exit 13A for that]
Desserts will be Gooey [Cholesterol and Fat Free, right]

Cost is $15.00 each

ALSO, there will be a Christmas Misfit Catwalk. Each youth group is to pick ONE of their kids to be their Mascot. Your job is to have the most outrageous costume imaginable. During our evening we will give a 5 or 10 minute warning and that is the signal for you to dress up your mascot. Then we will have a fashionesque catwalk and award a prize to the youth group with the most off-the-wall mascot.

Please RSVP to (718) 447-8366 by NOV 20.

Much Thanks,


Christmas Banquet Flyer